
  1. Anonymous

    A guy who molested a 3 year old girl passed away. The molestation caused issues

    A guy who molested a 3 year old girl passed away. The molestation caused issues for the girl later on in life when the girl matured and wanted to get into a relationship with a man.
  2. Jacob_Shouse

    My name is Jacob, I need more ...

    My name is Jacob, I need more prayer ugh, today has been horrible the attacks and Molestation have been going on since early this morning and it still hasn’t stopped! I am worn out from being touched all day by demons! I have rebuked all day it always works but man they won’t get off me today...
  3. Enkratoxos

    Dear prophet bajendra Singh I'm a freelance ...

    Dear prophet bajendra Singh I'm a freelance makeup artist I don't hav proper job nd a hav a loan to recover wich I took fr my father Operation I'm also facing molestation due to th loan if I get work I could easily pay off th loan please pray fr me tht I may get work
  4. Nineteen51

    Space E

    Lord expose fully why KS seems to be getting away with what seems like murder. People who accuse him of rape and molestation are being found dead. There have been three KS accusers to die in 2019. Lord shine Your light on this Jesus Amen
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