Please, I need your prayers for breakthrough in my Multilevel Marketing business (MLM), I have signed up into this business in September 2019 but there hasn't been no exponential growth due to no duplication by my downlines, my downlines are not duplicating and we leverage on duplication that's...
Please, I need your prayers for breakthrough in my Multilevel Marketing business (MLM), I have signed up into this business in July 2020 but there hasn't been no exponential growth due to no duplication by my downlines, my downlines are not duplicating and we leverage on duplication that's how...
Please, I need your prayers for breakthrough in my Multilevel Marketing business (MLM), I have signed up into this business in July 2020 but there hasn't been no exponential growth due to no duplication by my downlines, my downlines are not duplicating and we leverage on duplication that's how...
*The passport that I and my hubby did 5yrs ago is about to expire,Lord relocate I and my family to Canada My mother's rent has expired, and they want her to go back to the village,I don't want it. We want our car this month We want to be landlady and landlord this month The son's and daughters...
Please, I need your prayers for breakthrough in my Multilevel Marketing business (MLM), I have signed up into this business in July 2020 but there hasn't been no exponential growth due to no duplication by my downlines, my downlines are not duplicating and we leverage on duplication that's how...