Jesus please let my son be ok at school today and do everything that he is supposed to and please let him find all of his missing stuff and his teacher grade his redone assignment and also please let him pass his math test and stay awake. Please also let the pickup of my mother-in-law today from...
Jesus please let my son find all his missing stuff and realize that he has to study this weekend. Please also let his teachers respond to all of the emails about issues with his work. Please also let the people who denied the appeal for my mother-in-law reconsider so she can stay longer in her...
Jesus please let my son remember everything today at school and find his missing stuff and put back the thing that he wasn't supposed to bring home. Please also let his teachers be understanding and his theater teacher be nicer to him and accept his redo. Please also let him pay more attention...
Jesus please let my son's teacher unlock the test that he didn't know he had to take and now it isn't available. It was an honest mistake he did not know he had to take it. Also, please let his other teacher regrade an assignment that he got a bad grade on and please let him find his missing...
Jesus please let my son find his missing stuff we are back at his school. Please let someone help him find it. It is very important. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son find his missing stuff amd not lose his money/ticket for dance and let his art teacher help him with project and my husbnad have enough money for the rent, our heat get fixed and my mother in laws appointment go well. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son's teacher write back and help him like she said she would. Let me find the missing item that I am looking for. Please also let me get all this work that I have to do done. Thank you for my son finding the missing stuff. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my som be awake and alert at school today and realize once and for all that he cannot keep staying up late. Please also help him to not lose his stuff and possibly find his missing stuff and let him finish and turn in all work and his teachers be nice to him. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my friend find her missing stuff and do the right thing. She is trying to get away without paying for something. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let me find missing stuff, please let my husband get paperwork he needs and help from IRS, and please let him fix or return these very expensive shoes that he should not have bought that are broken. Thank you Jesus, Amen.