thank you Lord for the healing in my jaw and teeth alignment for healing of facial bones. please bless all who pray for me and my family and give us your salvation. deliver me from all my fears phobias illness and do the same for all people. help me to grow in the knowledge and love of Christ...
big praise report! thank you lord for teeth jaw miracle! yesterday the Lod healed me set my jaw and teeth into place i praise You Lord Jesus Christ ! thank you I love You. please rpay the Lord heal my moms brain healing for asperger syndrome and for my granda who has been bedidden for 7 years...
asperger syndrome
big praise report
country: hungary
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Dear Heavenly Father what I need more than anything Is strength. I feel weak mentally, emotionally, and spirituality and you already know that, but you said the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in me and quickens my mortal body, so Holy Spirit please quicken my mortal body...
pleas peray of rmy grandm Schnieder Vilmosné ot be heale dof demntia small bowel obstruiction syndorme heale dof all brian injuries and all bones and muscles ot regrow reregrow infection to leave all dsickness and illness otleave. fo rproper and painess bowel movements. causes of diahrea...
Lord giv eme wisdom wiht my relationship with my mother. pelas ehal her heairgn her osteoporosis . help her to quit eatign junk. please giv eher the nutrition she needs. please dleiver her form all unclena spirits. pleas egive her merry heart and also a good logn helathy liv and Your salvation...
Please pray fo rmy grandma for her salvation spiritual, emotional, mental and physcial healing. He rname is her name is Shneider VIlmosné. It is her birthda.y she has been bedridden for years. Please pray the Lord Jesus Chris t miraculously touches with HIS Holy spirit her hwoel body todayand...
Please pray for My grandma Schcnider Vilmosné who has been bedridden for years now and is really weak. Please pray God heals her heart, blood pressure, all deformities in her body, delivers her from all weakness from hernias, cross syndrome, smal bowel obstruciton syndrom , all cranial diabetes...
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country: hungary
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urgent! please pray for my grandma Schneider Vilmosné who is in hospital. to be healed by the stripe sof the Lord JEsus Christ of all neurological damage, all circulatory damage, all respitory damage all physicall and mental trauma, healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ in every way...
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country: hungary
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grandma schneider vilmos
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Urgent!!! prayer request. my gradmas in the hospital. pleas epray Jesus saves an dheals her for HIs glory by His power by His means. By His WIll. God help ! Only you can save and heal. Lord help! i need you to help her and my family. save us guide us VERY strogn with your Holy spirit. give all...
Smiling faces make you happy, and good news makes you feel better.
Proverbs 15:30 GNB
Why should I smile?
What's going to come out from smiling?
Will my smile solve these issues?
See....the Bible says👇
We are often troubled, but not crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair...