mere men

  1. Visionary1


    THE TEST God tests His people, most often, in these genuses: servant, family, church, city, and nation. 1) Will the servant keep their hand to the plow; or run back to Egypt? 2) Will the family serve their own emotions; or "Do the will of the Father?" 3) Will the church be a house of...
  2. Visionary1


    Because God is all knowing, and not a man that He should lie, having foretold of all things, all of His prophecies must come to pass. BUT GOD, also knowing that we are, but mere men, is merciful. As in past generations, He patiently and generously gives us countless opportunities, through...
  3. Resdek

    Since I No longer believe in the ...

    Since I No longer believe in the bible and its wrtten by mere men, I tried contacting demons, and nothing happens. Sigh!
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