Feet swelling pain hand thumb and wrist area must cease now so I can get all this work done here, have mercy Lord heal and restore us, bind up your enemies and fight them with fire. This week was a real rollercoaster ride and year so far. Please help this coming week to go better and if I can...
Abba show me mercy.Heal from calcium defiency, bulged in legs, deformed body structure and fracture of ankle bone.Total restoration as written in Psalms 103 vrs 3to5.
Please heal and deliver us from any more attacks and persecution. They're claiming so and according to the prophets we must pray diligently that they will not cause America to be another Israel, the worse may be awaiting us in the near future. Also, please pray that this important meeting on...
Lord in Your mercy help, heal and protect us and pain and congestive throat, bring the right help and peace, help every task to be easy. Help to trust the right Godly people and there be no more run arounds. Bring strength clarity and focus Fight your battles, amen
1)Oh lord, let me carry my Marital breakthroughs this 2022 and February 28th will not pass me by ijmn Amen 2)Lord of NSPPD, arise and scatter every evil alter fighting your daughter sadiya not to deliver let that be destroyed by fire and thunder ijmn Amen 3) Oh lord my father please, scatter and...