I pray that God will heal me of Ulcer, endometriosis, candidiasis, ovarian cyst and menstrual pain. I also pray that God will open doors for me and grant me destiny helpers in Jesus name
1. For my mom to empty the trash from my closet so my room can be clean.
2. Peace in my mind.
3. To know God better.
4. Every time I ride with my mom she fusses at me for hours til we reach our destination and I just want protection, and that she stops.
5. Protection from my step dad and step...
bed bug scare
country: united states
good recording
holy bible plan
new car
new living situation
new purse
new stationary
proper authorities
I want to pray for my husband in the USA with immigration issues pastor am tired of being alone with my son in sirral Leona Because of the distance we a have lots of issues I need ur help God since we got married 2017 he left up till now nothing good has happened ave being mock 2) I want to pray...
bad friends
country: sierra leone
divine healing
dv lottery
gods divine widom
heart disease
immigration issues pastor
limitation place
sierra leone