PLease pray that I will not have excessive period.
Pray against stressful situation.
Pray against high blood pressure.
Pray that I will calm down.
Pray that my hormones will be ok, normal, regular.
Pray that my period will stop because it came earlier third time and last two ones were...
Pray that my period will stop because I had already 3 early periods.
No stress, no tension, no hormonal disbalance, no emotional disbalance, whatever the reason is.
Last three periods came early and two of them were very excessive sometimes.
Please pray that everything will come in order...
3 to early periods
beach vacations
country: croatia
emotional disbalance
hormonal disbalance
hot weather
last three periods
occasional unease
weird gastritis symptoms
Please pray that any PMS symptoms, and nervosity/tension (hormons), will disappear.
So that I can sleep. I cannot sleep properly for 3-4 days.
It seems like I will have again a period.
Please pray that this will not happen, because I just got rid of it.
It was too long and too excessive...
1) My period to finally stop. It is sometimes too excessive but definitely lasts for too long. (From 08.june). Everything normal, healthy, moderate, and regular around my menstrual cycle and hormones and menopause transition. I am soon 54.
2) No swellings or abscesses in my dental flesh.
3) My...
No excessive period but moderate. No sweating, feeling of fever, or pain in my lower abdomen or nausea in my stomach. No gastritis. Good sweet sleep. Everything allright with my period, hormons, female organs, stomach...easy menopause transition.
Pray that my period will stop.
It lasts for to long - 14 days now.
Pray for stabilizations of hormons and everything alright with my reproductive and feminine organs.
Easy menopause transition.
Everything normal healthy and regular around my period and menstrual cycle.
Menstr cycle 28-30 days long, not shorter.
Period moderate, healthy, 4-6 days, not longer.
Every organ, gland, tissue, hormon....everything connected to the menstrual cycle healthy and harmonized in Jesus name, amen...