Please Heavenly Father, I need pray God / Lord Jesus Christ
I seek your protection and guidance against the false testimony, false accusations, false promises, theft clothes of life in neighboring, church or other areas with gossip, meddling, and bad spirits that are operating in my life.
Could you please rebuking this disorder defiant sabotage spirit in the neighborhood with disorder in the street with false encounter and false riddles to disturb the mind like this is asylum and clown in the neighborhood to looking for discord , fight, is provoking shouting in the house ...
They have a wrong spirit to looking for a replacement with “match lover “ they want my clothes spiritual to do a transfer of my life with my suffering and pretending giving them power or permission sending false encounter use the mouth another this confusion spirit is looking for a replacement...
Rebuking this neighbor abusive with steal the peace in house with meddling spirit steal the clothes and giving error thing they are destroying the private in house follow with false encounter with riddle please pray for moving soon this house run this destructive behavior neighbor with the man...
could you please praying for inappropriate behavior in the neighborhood with false encounter with ### with sexual and seduction spirit, they are gossip, meddling spirit in the neighborhood disorder encounter all place spying to in and out house looking together that is really disturbing and...
Could you please pray for a bad habit around my life neighbor and contagious another place with error spirit gossip, spying and the meddling spirit that is causing unrest, with harassment and bullying with false encounter to assault spiritual of life, time to provoke a discord and false riddles...