Dear lord , father please help me and listen to my prayer request father. you know when my husband had nothing i was still there for him father now he have everything so he left me and having so much of ego of money lord. like lord he is showing everyone that he is living highfigh life without...
I give thanks with this prayer request that i may not ever see that lady again for protecting my and giving me favor I pray god remove her from the rem of my life to bless her far away FROM ME AND mARCUS in JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN TO BE BLESSED WITH HER OWN PATH OF HAPPINESS.. i GIVE THANKS TO...
country: unknown
duhamel myra denzell marissa
good health
good man
kids father
peace joy happiness
peace love
spiritual blessings
total happiness
I really want to move on from all the people from my past & from all the things that took place in my past so I can move on into a new season of my life but everyday from the moment I wake up the morning to the moment I go to bed the memory of all the people from my past continue coming back to...
Very worried concerning my driving. I went driving the first time in 2017 but i never got the opportunity to fully learn my driving i never completed my driving & i never got the opportunity for a road test. This was in 2017. I need JESUS to give me a mature mind that i will learn my driving &...
There is a week left till college & I'm kind of nervous.I committ my college math, english, & major courses into JESUS care. I committ the new school year into JESUS care. I committ my computer i will be using into JESUS care. Need JESUS to give me a mind of seriousness. Need JESUS to give me...
college courses
college math english major courses
country: united states
fast food
good secure office job
kind of nervous
maturemindmind of seriousness
I need GOD to remove and destroy and condemn and annihilate all demonic all satanic all evil and all evil spirits and all witchcraft and all and demonic strongholds and all roadblocks and all stumbling blocks and anything that is keeping me from moving forward in my life and keeping me from...
I want to be able to know how to drive a car safely and properly so that I will not need to depend on lyft or uber forever. Pray for me please that GOD will give me a mature mind and give me the knowledge and the discernment for me to be able to be drive a car safely and properly. I need GOD to...