Alot of stress lately.Busyness,overcrowding, rude people,last minute drifting away in this inflation.Hatd time dealing with it,as I am.not a masochist.
Everything going the opposite direction of want I want the good is taken away the bad is at full strength and persistent.And layely,prayer seems ineffectual too.Depressing .After all ,Im.not amasochist.
Im dealing with a rude selfish one sided person who, when it's her subject, is readily available to talk,about it, but my subject, doesn't give the courteasy of a response.Personally, I'm tired of the one-sidedness. It's disrespectful,and I'd have to be a masochist to like it.
Things keep going the opposite of the way I need them to.It's easy to be happy when everything is going well. But you show me someone who is happy when having consistent bad breaks, I'll show you a masochist. Or just not too bright.My emotions are in line with the circumstances.
There's something important I need to do , and every time I think I'll get a chance,something pops up to thwart me. Since prayer is POWERLESS AGAINST THIS PATTERN, all that's left to do is complain about getting screwed since that's whats in a nutshell happening. Very frustrating, when your...
Im at the end of my rope with the things happening to me in this atupid world.Im not a masohist who wears a big smile while getting screwed.I also dont like the fact that God turns a deaf ear to me and lets me stay in a problem.