mary magdalene

  1. Anonymous

    Prayer for good health and life restoration

    Father Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that you save my ###'s life from the spirit of death. Save her from whichever illness they send to her spiritually. Lord Jesus Christ deliver her from those afflictions as you did to Mary Magdalene in the past. Lord Jesus rescue my ### from the suffering and pain...
  2. WingsofaDove

    The Chosen is good Christian programming to ...

    The Chosen is good Christian programming to watch, on the app or YouTube has episodes to get an idea, the woman at the well, Mary Magdelene, and other Bible stories.
  3. WingsofaDove

    The Chosen is good Christian programming to ...

    The Chosen is good Christian programming to watch, on the app or YouTube has episodes to get an idea, the woman at the well, Mary Magdelene, and other Bible stories.
  4. Wylandadh

    Praying that more Christians read the Bible and keep the Saturday Sabbath

    10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh...
  5. Wylandadh

    praying more Christians keep the 10 Commandments especially the Saturday Sabbath

    10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the...
  6. Wylandadh

    praying that Christians will keep the 10 commandments

    the 10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the...
  7. Wylandadh

    Praying that more churches and Christians obey the Bible especially the 10 commandments

    the 10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the...
  8. Robert83

    Divine Intervention Prayer

    Lord, I pray for truth, conviction, justice, Good to stomp evil, and light, love & happiness. I pray you can right the massive wrong that took place this past November. Please Father, I invoke the arch angels, Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ, & all my guardian angels and saints to remove the evil...
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