marvelous blessings

  1. Eleusoraurgate

    Thank you aba father loving Jesus holy spirit mother mary

    Thank you aba father loving Jesus holy spirit mother mary for all ur marvelous blessings upon me n my family. Thank you for all ur gracous blessings. thank you for being the head of our family. Thank you for blessings us withur grace. Thank you for being our provider our protector our saviour...
  2. Anonymous

    Thank you Jesus praise u Jesus love ...

    Thank you Jesus praise u Jesus love u Jesus for ur marvelous blessings on me n my family on our work place on our career on our children. We place our family on to ur feet, lead us guide us bless us to do Gods holy will always. Bless my husband with a successful career and help him in self...
  3. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 119:64 (KJV)

    The earth, O LORD, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy statutes. —Psalm 119:64 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Sometimes we get so caught up in the wonders of God's creation and the marvelous blessings of his grace we forget to ask him to teach us his truth. Let's not only worship him in...
  4. AGAPE55

    Lord I thank you for continued strength

    Lord I thank you for giving me the strength and patience to get through this big project I'm on. I'm fixing all the spaces that are being moved into. Thank you Lord that you created me with a joyful heart. Thank you Lord that you've made it possible for all of us to land in secure places. May...
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