My name is ###. I need prayers. Seems like ever since I started watching tarot videos for my zodiac sign online now I seem obsessed and even see or hear tarot readings in my dreams. I will not watch those videos anymore but please, pray these tarot nightmares stopped. I also need prayers for my...
My name is Martha. I need prayers. I had COVID 10 days ago and I still have a stuffy nose and still sound congested when I talk :( please pray I’m healed of this horrible illness. I also need prayers for a new and better job for me. I have applied to different jobs and none will hire me and I’m...
I’m Martha. I need prayers. I was eating celery on Saturday and I laughed and snorted and a small piece of celery went up the back of my throat into my left nostril and now there is a discomfort on my left nostril and I need prayers. I need this celery to get unstuck and come out of my nose...