marital settlement fruit

  1. Eldwor

    The lord has shown me great mercy.

    Family sieges are over Marital settlement Fruit of the womb (twins) Business breakthrough
  2. Winfaleloth

    Lord heal me from multiple intramural and ###

    Lord heal me from multiple lntramural and subserosal fibroid in the mighty name of Jesus. Marital settlement Fruit of the womb in the mighty name of Jesus. ### please pray for me. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
  3. Brenma

    Abba, please heal my daddy and every ...

    Abba, please heal my daddy and every member of my family, bless the work of our, increase our spiritual life,deliver us from the power of the wicked ones, send us burden bearers help and helpers marital settlement, fruit of the womb and financial favor
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