Deeper relationship with the holy spirt
Financial breakthrough in my life and family
Break sieges, patterns and circles in my family
Victory over witchcraft and marine powers
Evil seed planted in my father’s house be destroyed
Oh lord show me mercy and fight my battles
Deliver me from witchcraft attacks
Deliver my demonic lust addiction and imagination
Deliver me marine powers and spiritual spouse
Deliver me eating In the dream
Deliver me from evil family patterns and foundational powers and ancestral powers
God bless bless my marriage with Chinedu Ugwunnadi Elisha and do not allow the plans of devil to scatter my relationship with him and my marriage with him, 27 April 2024. God please bless ur son chinedu ugwunnadi elisha, his business and open business opportunities for him God please deliver me...
business opportunities
chinedu ugwunnadi elisha hands
country: nigeria
house rent
name amen
negative pattern family patterns spirit dat
recantation spirits
school problem
shame disgrace
Father I come to you because you're able, any form of miscarriage in this pregnancy be destroy, don't not allow attack of wicked powers destroy the joy and heal me from every infection, vibration and movement sensation by your mercy and deliver me from eating in dream and marine Powers
Pastor jerry please join me in prayers I’m suffering from all these for long now Marine powers Spiritual husband No man want to be serious with me since adult Always dreaming bout my past Brokenness and inluck 😭😭😭 Don’t know how my life is going now I’m confused. My brothers are now so broke Buh...
Father I want you to heal I ,my children my husband from Deadly disease Hiv,father torch my father and deliver him from lost of memory and high blood pressure,father heal my mother from leg pain and high blood pressure,Daddy heal my husband from diabetes and deliver him from spirit of marine...
country: togo
deadly disease hiv father
high blood pressure daddy
leg pain
long life untimely death
mouth father
mr ikenna igbokwe
name amen
shame father
1.I need the grace to serve God like never before. 2.I need healing from every infirmities in my body and my family. 3.God pls heal me of HIV. 4.let God put an end to poverty in my family. 5.God should give me financial rest. 6.God should bless the work of my hand. 7.let every evil repetition in...
I want God to deliver me from every sickness, Relay in marriage, marine powers, evil germent, ancestral powers, Blood Pressure, ulcer & every pains. Evil altar speaking against my glory, life & destiny. Shame, disfavour, reproach. 2. Settlement in my marriage, 3. Open Doors of breakthrough for...
Man of God please pray for me.My life partner that was revealed to me through the word of Knowledge we are yet to meet .My marriage has been long delayed but God revealed to me this year that powers from my father's house and marine powers has been hindering and some persons has vowed that it...