Yesterday I asked for prayers for my peace of mind. I changed my family doctor from the one who had told me I was going downhill from now on. I had an appointment with the new doctor yesterday and with her staff today (for a full check up). And I got so many pieces of good news. The cancer is...
Heavenly Father, First giving Honor. Please help me to get my ex lover and Friend back, I said some very cruel and disrespectful things and I've sincerely apologized several times since then, I really missed what we were, laughter, and prayer and Godly moments. I've prayed...
Lord God,
I am having a hard time trying to accept my life as it is. I want to commit suicide already. I am so stressed out. I can’t seem to fall asleep at all and I can feel that my mental health is failing so fast and hard..
I am praying that I will be able to move on from Karl. I don’t want...
My heart is broken into many pieces as I'm pretty sure my daughter is gay. Please pray for me as I just can't accept it and may not want to see her again. I will always pray for her, but I am so sad. I have lost my little girl to Satan. She was brought up in a christian home. My husband is a...
Father I've had tears falling today, I can not imagine going on living in this world with out Joseph! You promise so much to us were told there is nothing to great for you to do! If we ask we shall receive , if we believe it is given. Why if there are miracles then why has my son not received...
Lord God I call down your healing hand to be placed on your servant Joe Pat! That through your words are truth . Anyone who calls down the Lord God shell be restored to full health. Your words say no lie can be spoken by you Lord, please Father as a mother who's heart is weighted down with her...
I am lost! I don't know where to turn for help for my son. Each day I pray for my son Joseph Patrick . But yet no answers come! I hear him each day asking God to help him still nothing but suffering! I m his mother my heart has broken in so many pieces! My Sadness is over whelming. I know with...