man's heart

  1. Hagnalmos

    Please Pray For My Husband And Myself! ...

    Please Pray For My Husband And Myself! We Had Tree Trimming Company Cut Very Large Tree Limbs On Our Property ! The Tree Trimmers Cut A Little Over Property Line! Our Neighbors Are Furious! Our Neighbors Are Thinking Of Suing ! This Would Not Be Good For Us! We Are Going To Retire At The End Of...
  2. Articles

    'Entrance Requirements?' - Mark 10:17

    As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" —Mark 10:17 NLT Key Thought This man's question is a great one, but did it come from a genuine heart? You will have to read the...
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