m job pls

  1. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls deliver m out of evil ...

    Heavenly pls deliver m out of evil eye and break and crush all evil eye. Pls remove the thing that m be causing m to always stare at ppl at m job. Pls break and crush it. S I will n have any intent to stare at other ppl anymore. Amen.
  2. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls save m from all laziness. ...

    Heavenly pls save m from all laziness. Pls bless s I’ll always being willing to go tha xtra mile to do things including at m job. Pls protect m family and I this evening. Pls cleanse m from all laziness. Pls be w and protect all those on the site and their loved ones and families. And all those...
  3. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls forgive m of all things ...

    Heavenly pls forgive m of all things I did in m past. Pls forgive m for the things I did to dad and mom and brother and sister and brother. Pls forgive m for the thing I did while I was at track practice ten/eleven years ago. Pls forgive m for this other thing I did at the convenience store. Pls...
  4. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls forgive m of all things ...

    Heavenly pls forgive m of all things I did in m past. Pls forgive m for the things I did to dad and mom and brother and sister and brother. Pls forgive m for the thing I did while I was at track practice ten/eleven years ago. Pls forgive m for this other thing I did at the convenience store. Pls...
  5. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls save these fourteen kids I ...

    Heavenly pls save these fourteen kids I saw on the wl at m job. Pls save their hearts and life. Pls bless they w gd family. Pls bless those in their life and bless their need. Pls bless they w their need. amen.
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