lukewarm christians

  1. Adelphelia

    Prayer for my mom who is confused and in spiritual darkness

    She has always been Catholic/Christian, I don't really know which denomination she was in, but she has fallen away. She no longer believes in God, she has always had an interest in hippie/new age things and it has completely taken her into spiritual bondage. She prays and worships things that...
  2. Wylandadh

    prayer for better financial acess please

    YouTube yeah ongoing saints tribualtions in UK no where ner as bad as the tribulations our tribal nations are going theough we be done soon then the lukewarmn chrisitans will fight the beast sstyem we an help themm then thanks for praying brethren be on later after est and sleep
  3. Wylandadh

    8 min video report on the soon coming economic crash

    The satanic inspired financial powers are going even harder to crash the market so they can bring in their new digital money system and eventually the Mark of the Beast - like Yahshua warned us through John in the book of Revelation. Many big financial institutions are making moves, and many...
  4. Wylandadh

    so very very lost in the wondering whys its causing me to loose my faith

    Why did God create us when there's so much suffering, and so many people including lukewarm Christians like me going to hell as well. What kind of monster even can think of planning and creating a place of eternal torment for what seems on the surface very small matters. Why can't He just punish...
  5. Anonymous

    I feel like Jesus is going to ...

    I feel like Jesus is going to return any minute. Please pray that all the lukewarm Christians would get their lives and their hearts in order right now. I am very sorry that I have wasted my whole life chasing after the things of this world. I haven't done anything for Jesus and I regret the...
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