lower left leg

  1. Kuntzee

    Court date

    Please pray for me as my workman’s comp court date has been set for January 23 at 8:00 in the morning. I have to meet my attorney there and listen to workman’s comp try to tell a judge that my backwards fall that fractured my sacrum didn’t lead to all the blood clots and pulmonary embolism. I...

    Asking for prayers for my daughter (13). ...

    Asking for prayers for my daughter (13). She has a strange bump/lump on her lower left leg. We are seeing the doctor about it tomorrow. Praying for a good appt, wisdom from the doctor and just good news. Praying that it’s not anything serious and that she has a long happy healthy life ahead of her.
  3. Michele J


    Good Evening. First and foremost I give all h onor to our heavenly Father. I suffered a very bad fall. My prayer request is for healing of my lower left leg, In the name of Jesus, Amen
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