Dear Abba-Father-Daddy-God
In The Name of Your Son Jesus
Please bless me with the most beautiful exceptional Great Divine & Godly Favor with my pain management doctor this afternoon
May he be soo compassionate & merciful to me & very kind understanding & gracious with me & even his whole office...
Dear Daddy--God
i realize that the more stressed out i get
the worse my lower back muscles tighten up on me
& i keep getting these headaches almost everyday now
i know You understand why because You created me and understand me completely
i am your daughter & you are my much loved Daddy in...
country: united states
human medical explanation
little adorable pet doggie
little pet doggie
lowerbackinjurylowerback muscles
one right little sweet pet doggie
one right person
stable home sweet home
sweet kind brother
My friend Pastor Raul prayed with me yesterday about
me getting a ground floor apartment in the local building
where he is a superintendent right now
The owner of the building Howard thinks one of his existing tenants
will be moving upstairs to the second floor and i would then move
into their...
country: united states
existing tenants
friend pastor raul
great divine blessing
ground floor apartment
holy spirit
pure dear holy ghost xox
second floor
two flights
i injured my lower back many years ago
opening a stuck garage door
& over time it has gotten soo much worse
i am asking for a complete & total physical healing
of my lower back injury & especially from the pain that i am always in
so i can do more & live a pain free new life
thank-you dear...
complete total physical healing
country: united states
dear father
garage door
healing amen
miraculous power
pain free new life