low eye pressure

  1. Sharrogli

    Beauty,youth,clear white flawless healthy skin,strong abundant natural wthick beach wavy healthy hair,

    Low eye pressure,smaller right eye pupil,fertility,pregnancy and a healthy child for us Konstantina and Eustathios now in the name of Jesus.Amen
  2. Ojararey

    Beauty,youth,white healthy flawless baby skin,abundant strong natural white very long thick hair,

    Low eye pressure,very light healthy aqua eyes,smaller pupils now in the name of Jesus.Amen
  3. Ojararey

    Self love,beauty,youth,healthy,natural white beach wavy very long strong abundant hair

    Low eye pressure,very light aqua healthy eyes,smaller right pupil,white flawless healthy skin now in the name of Jesus.Amen
  4. Ojararey

    Beauty,youth,healthy white flawless baby skin,abundant strong healthy natural white beach wavy very long hair

    Low eye pressure,healthy very light aqua eyes color,very small pupils same size,hormonal balance,fertility in the name of Jesus.Amen
  5. Ojararey

    Beauty,youth,white healthy flawless skin,abundant strong very long healthy natural white beach wavy hair

    Low eye pressure,very light aqua healthy eyes,smaller right eye pupil,normal period, fertility,pregnancy in the name of Jesus.Amen
  6. Ojararey

    Beauty,youth,white healthy flawless skin,abundant strong very long healthy natural white beach wavy hair

    Very light aqua healthy eyes,low eye pressure,very small right eye pupil now for me Konstantina in the name of Jesus.Amen
  7. Ojararey

    Disappearance of acne,hyperpigmentation scars,white flawless healthy skin

    Strong,thick,abundant,very long healthy natural white hair,very light healthy aqua eyes,low eye pressure now in the name of Jesus.Amen
  8. Tramtylia

    Beauty,youth,healthy white flawless skin,strong,abundant very long hair

    Healthy very light aqua eyes,low eye pressure,very small right pupil.Firm big cleavage.I give thanks.God bless
  9. Tramtylia

    Beauty,youth,very strong long healthy abundant hair

    White healthy skin,healthy very light aqua eyes low eye pressure in the name of Jesus.Amen
  10. Tramtylia

    Very light healthy aqua eyes small right eye pupil

    Low eye pressure in the name of Jesus.Amen
  11. Lydeklath

    Beauty,youth,very long strong beach wavy natural blonde hair,white healthy skin

    Healthy light aqua eyes low eye pressure and small right eye pupil in the name of Jesus.Amen
  12. Eskan

    Only light aqua color eyes healthy

    Low eye pressure.God bless
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