LORD FATHER GOD, I ask in JESUS name that you bind Satan from the mind of my friend. Intervene and remove any doubts or fears that prevent her from coming to you fully. Place conviction on her heart and show her that YOU can change the hearts, minds, and thoughts of anyone in an instant, show...
LORD FATHER GOD, I ask in JESUS name that you bind Satan from the mind of my friend. Intervene and remove any doubts or fears that prevent her from coming to you fully. Place conviction on her heart and show her that YOU can change the hearts, minds, and thoughts of anyone in an instant, show...
Please continue to pray that a man and his family be born again Christians. Please pray they will be around strong laborers in the Lord and have all the right conversations. Please pray they will truly believe the gospel and turn to Jesus and leave their religion behind. Please pray they will...
Things with my son has gotten a lot better since last post. He started college and has been hopeful. However he has recently become irritable and seems to be going back into some depression. I feel it has a lot to due with him listen to some new age like guys teaching and is being lead astray...
country: united states
enemy attacks
good mentors
group of people
last post
mental illness
new age
sisters behalf