its past 10 pm. My next door neighbours are having again a big family meeting and some of them are very loud and talkative. I don't need to listen to their loud conversations and fights. Lord show me that I have a right to peaceful living. They have an appearance from the city (social cases and...
big family meeting
city social cases
country: croatia
house order
next door neighbors
night noise
peaceful living
upstairs neighbor
usual protection
its past 10 pm. My next door neighbours are having again a big family meeting and some of them are very loud and talkative. I don't need to listen to their loud conversations and fights. Lord show me that I have a right to peaceful living. They have an appearance from the city (social cases and...
big family meeting
city social cases
country: croatia
house order
next door neighbors
night noise
past 10
peaceful living
upstairs neighbor
No virus
No feeling of flushes of fever
No diarrhea
Me completly able to go for work tomorrow morning.
Let me wake up at 3.30 am.
Let me manage to prepare tea and other light this very early morning.
Let me catch a train without stress at 5.45 am
No lateness of the train.
Me using train...
closed doors
construction work
country: croatia
early morning
first time
other light food
peaceful rejuvenating healing
teachers room
upstair neighbors
No noise in my neighbourhood.
No noise in my area.
No cars with engine on.
No loud conversations infront of my building.
PLEASE NO FLASHING LIGHTS ON THE BALCONY OF MY NEIGHBOUR. It wakes me.up because it flashes through my whole room. Lord protect my sleep.
Also Lord let me wake up on time...
No noise from my neighbours. To loud conversations, shouting etc etc i wake up at 3.30 am tomorrow. Good sweet sleep. No worries or sadness. Issues miracolusly resolved into my favor. Whatever bothers me in Jesus name.
Also pray that i will not be anxious but peaceful and relaxed and satisfied...
Its 11 pm.
Lord i want to sleep and my next door neighbours are loud - tv and to loud conversations.
I must wake up at 4 am!!
They have a living room right next to my only room.
Lord have mercy
Loed teach them to be good to other neighbours. Amen!!!
My next door neighbours are very loud. Loud tv
My upstair neighbour is walking and my ceiling and walls are trembling. Also i hear very loud conversations from them.
Lord put peace upon them and let me have a good sweet sleep this afternoone to catc up a sleep from tonigh
Peace in my neighbourhood.
Its almost midnight but people are still very active.
I hear to loud water, to loud music and to loud conversations of my upstair and next door neighbours.
Lord, put peace upon them and let them go to sleep, amen.
No noise please!!!!
Really very loud tv!!!
Very loud conversations.
THis family really harrasses the whole buidling with noise!!
Also very loud children in the parc.
To much noise.
Please pray that all outside and inside building noise will stop.
Especially my neighbours, numerous family and friends, to loud tv, to loud conversations...
They have their living room right next to my only room.
It is really irritating. Bass sounds from tv.
Also very loud...