lor dpleas

  1. Jesussaves89

    im very lonley and its preventign ### from lovign God and servig God

    Summary (due to privacy): Prayer request for emotional support and relief from loneliness and depression. The individual expresses a desire for joy and assistance in caring for a family member. There is a request for healing and emotional support for family members, including a parent with a...
  2. Jesussaves89

    praise report: brother doing better temperature. thank ...

    praise report: brother doing better temperature. thank you all for your prayers my angels! please pray my brother heal of covid and his wife and that she has covid free pregnancy and nephew not affected nor she or my brother complete delivery and healed by Christ. please pray for their...
  3. Jesussaves89

    praise report: thnak you Lor dof rhelaign ...

    praise report: thnak you Lor dof rhelaign my teeth gums bones. thnak oyu Lord. Lor dpleas eprotec tmy fmiay my uhbby formt he Lor dofmr evil. Please ore rour steps. Lor dim actign foolishly today im sorry. please Lord. help me to be wise dn depart form evil. pleas ehal all who are sikc Lord help...
  4. Jesussaves89

    praise report: the Lor dhas given me ...

    praise report: the Lor dhas given me much helaign in my body prais eot Him forver. thanky ou for oyur prayers. pelase pray my grandma is heale dby the Lord Jeus Chirst. she has been bedirdden for years. pelas epra yi beocme the caregive rGod want sme to b. Pleas epray for my fmaiyl helaign and...
  5. Jesussaves89

    im aksign God to send someoen into ...

    im aksign God to send someoen into my life who will eb nice to me oda.y it sbeen so logn tha ti I felt loved by anone. i feel so burdenered. pelas epray God helps me. Lord hela me. pelas esend me my own husband who will love me for me and nto wa ti can do and vice vers.im so lonley. ihurt lal...
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