lor dim

  1. Jesussaves89

    i need deliverance from feeling unloved and ...

    I need deliverance from feeling unloved and angry. Also, my sister-in-law needs deliverance from COVID. God, heal her quickly and rapidly, protect her and my nephew; she is pregnant. Lord, do not allow any harm to them. Please heal my relationship with my sister-in-law and my mom and heal my...
  2. Jesussaves89

    praise report: thnak you Lor dof rhelaign ...

    praise report: thnak you Lor dof rhelaign my teeth gums bones. thnak oyu Lord. Lor dpleas eprotec tmy fmiay my uhbby formt he Lor dofmr evil. Please ore rour steps. Lor dim actign foolishly today im sorry. please Lord. help me to be wise dn depart form evil. pleas ehal all who are sikc Lord help...
  3. Jesussaves89

    LOr dim tire dof praiyng pleas ehelp ...

    LOr dim tire dof praiyng pleas ehelp send HELP
  4. Jesussaves89

    im gettign weary very weary. Lord please ...

    im gettign weary very weary. Lord please shine oyu rlight.im s tired of cleanign too and caregivign im so burnt out . pelase give me some joy in my life. also i nee dhelaing as well pelas ehal all my fmaiyl memebrs husband form the Lord if he need shealign. Lor dim weary. so weary feel so aloen...
  5. Jesussaves89

    pleas eopray God provides me my own ...

    pleas eopray God provides me my own husband i feel so stangant and aloen. Lor dhelp me care for my grandma bedridden for years an dhelp my mom. pleas ehal them of all illness and me toopleas ehal my dad an dbrothe rof all illness. Pleas eLord pleas ehal my husband whoever He i is of illness. i...
  6. Jesussaves89

    i feel iek my prayers ar ejsu ...

    prais ereport. THnak yu Lor dyesterday, you gav eme helaign in my teeht prais eGOd thn ak you for oyu rprayers blved churhc of Chirst. pelas epra ymy grandma is heale dof al bloood suagar blood pressure small bwoel obstructiion syndorm. Pleas epray fo rme to do diapers. im sad cuas elife jsut...
  7. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for me i am goign ...

    pleas epray for me i am goign to the clinic to get papers for grandma and then hospital to get perscription for diapers. i pray God mov emightily in my life and grandmas life. Please Lor dplease fix the system in Hngary. also pleas eprotect my comign and goign . let the Holy sprit take control...
  8. Jesussaves89

    LORD you said let every woman have ...

    please pleas pelease sne dme MY husband in the Lord form the Lord. please th oen you made for me Send HImt o me today!! no delay Lor dim sooo lonely so depressed : pleas ehal my grandma as well. Lord im nto a good caregiver anymore.. im so exhausted. Please cant oyu help me be a bit more happy I...
  9. Jesussaves89

    Lor dim lonley so slonely wish i ...

    Lor dim lonley so slonely wish i had a husbadn formt he Lord. pleas help with cargivng taks . help me to be obey my mother help me to care fro my grandma . help me to change her matress clena her feed her. help me to brush my teeth . help me not be so sad all the time and worried. i pray for all...
  10. Jesussaves89

    Lor dim lonley so slonely wish i ...

    Lor dim lonley so slonely wish i had a husbadn formt he Lord. pleas help with cargivng taks . help me to be obey my mother help me to care fro my grandma . help me to change her matress clena her feed her. help me to brush my teeth . help me not be so sad all the time and worried. i pray for all...
  11. Jesussaves89

    please pray tha tmy relative isnt so ...

    please pray tha tmy relative isnt so strict in her ways. please Lord i am not perfect but i cant keep up with my rlsaties strict schedule. please dleive rher form asperer syndorem and all her fears anxieties.please give her peac dleiver her form speakign anyhtign vulger adn please help her to...
  12. Jesussaves89

    I am haivng a hard itme heairng ...

    I am haivng a hard itme heairng the voice of God. really want to bu so nto hearing HIm: pelas epray i can clearly distinguish the voice of the Lord ouder than any voice clear and LOud. Also pleas epray that my grand is heale dof severe malnutrition diarrhea small bowle obstruction syndrome.t hat...
  13. Jesussaves89

    Lord forgiv emy sisn pelase protect my ...

    Lord forgiv emy sisn pelase protect my fmaily form evil. Lord peal hela us all . Lor dpelase have emrcy.pelase havent seen my da din years as well. Lor dim sad. my grandma is very ill. please also heal my mom and grandma her brother. heal my brother and wife and protect their baby int he womb...
  14. Kaghel

    my grandma needs a urgent miracle she ...

    my grandma needs a urgent miracle she needs healign i think her prostetics of hiops gouging in eh rbelly. small bowel obstruction syndorm. She needs a miracle. LOrd heal her PASE INBEG GPd heal he ri beg you herlp her to get wste out. Please remocve all blockages that preven ther form having...
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