My father I am asking you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that you would touch my daughter's heart this morning and it is Sabbath Saturday and we use this day as a day of rest we work hard all week for you Lord and I'm just asking you father that we could take a break together and just take a...
Thanks everyone who pray my nephew's son isom Borg now he's breathing on his own but is still in itu hospital in Malta but he slow recovery the stroke went on his brain function he went through to his body but we still need more prayer it's going be long ride to recover if the brain is good or...
Dear God, I ask that you bless DD with a safe ride in the middle of ocean and cover him with your protection. Shine your face on him God so that no harm come upon him and shower him with grace as he go. I pray that he would experience your presence and peace during this long ride in the ferry...