Please pray that menstrual.bleeding will stop. Excessive period and to long bleeding.
Pray for regular healthy moderate period (4-6 days). Regular menstrual cycle (cca 28 days). Healthy menopause transition. I am 50.
No stress or high blood preasire.
28 days healthy menopause transition
country: croatia
days healthy menopause transition
days regular menstrual cycle cca
excessive period
high blood pressure
menstrual bleeding
regular healthy moderate period
regular healthy moderate period 4 6 days regular menstrual cycle
Any swelling or wound in my mouth be healed in Jesus name!
Gastritis be healed!
I command to my body to be health, my menstrual cycle to be regular and my period to be healthy and moderate. No intermediate or excessive bleeding or to long bleeding in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen!
Please pray for harmony and peace in my body. Especially hormonal harmony. Normal period and menstrual cycle. No intermefiate bleeding or to long bleeding.
Please pray for
1) healthy eating, sleeping, exercising, working habits, healthy biorhythm
2) for healthy menstrual cycle (hormons, female/reproductive organs...), no to long bleeding or intermediate bleeding
3) no gastritis, stress, depression, tension or anxiety/fear, JOY OF THE LORD, PEACE...
Please pray for the health of my reproductive and female organs (purification), for normal and regular menstrual cycle, for harmony in my body, hormonal stability, peace and relaxatiom in my body mind and soul and GENERAL HEALTH.
Healthy eating, sleeping and exercising habits. Healthy biorhytm...
body hormonal stability peace
body mind
country: croatia
exercising habits healthy biorhythm
general health healthy eating
intermediate bleedinglongbleeding
regular menstrual cycle
unhealthy menstrual bleeding
1) regular menstrual cyclle
2) normal period
3) long bleeding
4) no intermediate bleeding
5) healthy female/reproductive orgams
6) harmonious hormonal levels
7) peace, harmony, health in my endocrine system
Please pray for health of female and reproductive organs. For harmony and peace in my body mind soul spirit. For regular normal menstrual cycle and moderate period. Everything around it healthy. No intermediate or to long bleeding. No fear, anxiety. Good sweet sleep
Thank you.
body mind soul spirit
country: croatia
fear anxiety good sweet sleep
health of female
moderate period
regular normal menstrual cycle
reproductive organs
Please pray to stop irregular menstrual bleeding. To long bleeding. For more then 30 days.
Health of my hormonal, endocrine system. Health of my female reproductive organs.
Harmony, order health in my body. Peace and faith in my soul. Prayer strategy to overcone this. Word of God strong in my life.
body peace
country: croatia
days health
female reproductive organs harmony order health
hormonal endocrine system health
irregular menstrual bleedinglongbleeding
soul strategy
word of strong
Please pray that this to long bleeding will sstop.
Pray that my periods will be norma and healthyl and menstrual cycles will be normal, regular and healtgy.
Healthy endocrine, hormonal system, healthy female and reproductive organs.
Peacey, health, harmony, order, in my body. Relaxation...
body relaxation good digestion
country: croatia
healthy healthy endocrine hormonal system healthy female
menstrual cycles
reproductive organs peacey health harmony order
Plesse pray that my period will be normal and this to long bleeding will stop.
a) my hormonal balance normal
b) endocrine sytem healthy normal
c) feminine reproductive organs healthy
d) removed any possible growth, fibroid, tumor, cyst and similar
e) healthy normal periods
f) relaxation of my...
body mind
country: croatia
fear anxiety h self confidence self esteem
hormonal balance normal b endocrine system healthy normal c feminine reproductive organs healthy d
possible growth fibroid tumor cyst
similar e healthy normal periods of relaxation
soul g
Please pray
1) against diarrhea or aby gastric issue ( gastritis)
2) peace in my mind/stomach
3) relaxation
4) healthy regular menstr cycle and healthy normal regular period, no to long bleeding starting from this moment RIGHT NOW!!
body mind
country: croatia
gastric issue gastritis
healthy normal regular period
healthy regular menstrual cycle
mind stomach
order harmony peace health
Please pray that my period will start to be regular and that this to long bleeding will stop in Jesus name. I am concerned.
1,) health of my female/reproductive organs
2) hormonal balance and stability, endocrine system
3) peace and relaxation instead of stress and fear,/anxietx around...
country: croatia
fear anxiety
female reproductive organs
hormonal balance
life healthy life habits
order harmony peace
stability endocrine system
Please pray that this to long bleefing will stop. Regular menstr cycle and healthy period please. I am 49. HEALTH AND ORDEE
R in my body. Health of all female organs. Everything that is not of God inmy body be removed and cast out into the sea in Jesus name, plucked out and planted into the sea...