local store

  1. Stitcher

    the refrigerator repair worked!

    Thank you, Father, for guiding me to a website that helped me diagnose my refrigerator's problem, and a video that showed me how to do it myself. Thank you for a local store that had the part. Thank you that this replacement of a part fixed the problem, and the refrigerator is now working.
  2. sharonjoan

    vehicle parts

    i am ordering them off line to save half price cost at the local store so keep me and all that does this in your prayers that they will be right parts when get them taking my vehicle to garage Monday pray i get it there safe and that the parts i ordered will be right ones God Bless prayers for...
  3. Awivis


    Father I praise you for she found the replacment part for her car. Unfortunately she has to wait until monday for the part to arrive at local store. Now I ask to keep her safe and from all bad influence during her stay at her friends place. Let this situation and distance stregthen our...
  4. Anonymous

    Prayers for the cashier at the local ...

    Prayers for the cashier at the local store who hurt her hand severely and is now wearing a cast. Praying for my package that Amazon claimed was delivered today to show up. Praying and hoping that no one stole it. Praying for a windfall or even work to help catch up with bills. Thank you...
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