lingering virus

  1. natasha2

    No diarrhea. No ###. No acid reflux/heartburn. No ...

    No diarrhea. No ###. No acid reflux/heartburn. No irritation of bronchees. No caughning mucus out. Allergy or lingering virus... No debt. All financ needs met. Overflow. Surplus. All needs met. All desires fullfilled. Me great steward of money, time, energy.
  2. natasha2

    No lateness joy strength success

    That the train arrives at the destination before time so that I can be in a teachers' room exactly at 7.20 am. Amen. No principle controlling us and watching over us and any of her evil energies or from others. Successful in anything I do today. Especially with my students. And in my home...
  3. natasha2

    No diarrhea, no caughing, no lateness, success and victory

    No diarrhea, acid reflux, heart burn. No irritation of bronchees or caughing of mucus out. Allergy or lingering virus or whatever. Successful day, victorious day in everything I do. Especially as a teacher and in home obligations and shopping. No lateness of the train today and everything...
  4. natasha2

    Healing, efficiency, exciting friendships and love, life partner

    No allergy No lingering virus No.sneezing No irritation in my bronchees or caughing out mucus. No gastric issues. Acid reflux, heart burn, no flashes of feeling of fever, no unhealthy sweating. Normal healthy diggestion No diarrhea High efficiency today - to do list and everything i need and...
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