I have better days in my lifetime period properly. I have Proper Feedback positive results in my Lifetime. Loosen Verse DEUT 28 6 BLESSED ONLY Specifically Properly I control my life time . NOT Satan and crew Energy SUCKERS it's not that deep for them they don't have any fun any way to ENJOY...
country: unknown
crew energy suckers
killing destruction
life time
lifetime loosen verse deut
peace prosperity mercy almighty universe good karma
proper feedback positive results
I have better days Proper Restoration in my lifetime. Alphabet words works PROPERLY SPECIFICALLY Alphabetically in my lifetime Period PERMANENTLY. Myself and my Bloodline Specifically family friends pets have our health peace and prosperity properly URGENTLY. I get Properly URGENTLY restored Neh...
country: unknown
energy suckers
faith family friends pets
good karma
lifetime alphabet words
lifetimeperiodlifetime vortex frequency levels
neh 13 2 period
proper restoration
vortex access
I have freedom from Wandering VAGABOND Rape Curse's. I'm no longer homeless and I get my own apartment to live in my good Karma comes in my lifetime. The men from my PAST don't have to help me anymore if they don't want to. I can move on with a MAN when I'm ready to. No one needs to use...
I do extremely well on my New Career Properly I don't have an illegal issues I get the JOB I applied for Ups in Galt & do excellent on my Exam I get gifted enough money to pay for the EXAM. I get gifted enough money to pay for fingerprints and background check goes through greatly I get my life...
background check
country: unknown
debt poverty period
different new beginning
edit button
enough money
good karma
illegal issues
lifetime new career
I don't have to STAY on Earth Specifically in TRIBULATION days it's not allowed Lucifer Devil that is a lie Antichrist spirit no power of mine to keep. It is in the WORD that Jesus and his people get RAPTURED during TRIBULATION time The Lords word never returns VOID. Until then I get a Job...
I get my hearts desire in my lifetime Period PERMANENTLY. I get to be with a MAN that's a good thing for my lifetime Period PERMANENTLY. I get to be happy with my person my someone that wants to be with me and can be with me someone who can compliment me and hold me at night be there for me make...
I Joanna JoJo have Luck in every area Specifically in my Lifetime with my Social security CASE Review goes well Thru Today Greatly my LAWYER gets a good report I can have my needs MET. I get Lucky in all government Dealings a Place to Live Stay government always blessed for me in my lifetime...
I'm highly favored lucky Healed in my Voice its Sexy again restoration in My hearts desires I'm lucky with Grants, With My Someone, My Job I get Lucky with a UPS Job in Store within walking distance of a place to live STAY Contract with KEYS a Miraculous day today, Get Lucky todayyyyyyyyyyy...
bad luck
country: unknown
emotional support pet
good home
hearts desires
miraculous day
online luck
rotten luck
todayyyyyyyyyyy nehemiah
I get a hearts desire's Job in .y Lifetime lifestyle routine daily everyday. I get gifted a CAR to be able to get to work get my needs MET FOREVER. I get my SOMEONE WHO CAN MEET me in the Spiritual to the Physical. I get to be happy with my Someone and I get emotional service pet for my Lifetime...
country: unknown
emotional service pet
heartless people karma
jealous followers
jealous lazy people
lifetime lifestyle
negative words
service emotional support pet
verse psalm
I break all power of negative words on my soul Loosen verse 109:20 into my lifetime my Hearts desire Job Urgently in my lifetime Period permanently. My someone is with me period permanently my family friends pets have great communication with me. Life in I get a Car place to STAY live where I...
annoying ads
car place
country: unknown
family friends pets
favorite movies shows
great communication
negative words
positive feedback
I get a JOB hearts desire now that is a good thing. My birthday numbers work in my lifetime I'm lucky for now on I'm Blessed for now. I get a place to STAY with KEYS. Let the OLD GATE REPRESENTS MOVES OF THE PAST be REPAIRED LOOSEN VERSE into existence in my lifetime Neh. 3:6 all stolen Favor...
birthday numbers
country: unknown
family friends pets
good thing
husband boaz person soul mate
job hearts
old gate
power time communication
I am blessed rocks are a blessing only to my lifetime Period permanently God's will Grace Is Sufficient Loosen verse Deut 28 6 Blessed in whatever I do wherever I go. I get a Job heart's desire feedback is positive for my lifetime Lord's will forever into existence with the blood of Jesus God's...
URGENTLY I Joanna JoJo get a hearts desire Job that is a good thing for my life nowadays. I get a place to STAY hearts desire nowadays my communication is greatly healed feedback is always blessed in my lifetime Period. Loosen verse Deut 28:6 I'm blessed coming in and going out into existence...