life threatening side effects

  1. Ektromystes


    Vera no heart attack Wayne no strokes no pneumonia he's given IV antibiotics no falls no life threatening side effects of antibiotics he gets appetite back eating drinks water good
  2. Ektromystes


    Wayne no strokes no life threatening side effects of antibiotics no falls bladder foot infection heals quickly he's admitted to hospital for antibiotics IVs can't take them orally he doesn't die from anything wrong with him now
  3. Ektromystes


    Wayne vera no strokes Wayne gets appetite back eating drinks water good again rebel stays healthy bladder infection heals quickly no life threatening side effects of antibiotics
  4. Ektromystes


    No colitis no life threatening side effects of antibiotics
  5. Ektromystes


    Wayne Vera no strokes Wayne gets over COVID bladder infection quickly cognitive function returns he gets appetite back eating drinking water good again rebel stays healthy diabetic ulcer heals quickly no life threatening side effects of antibiotics
  6. Ektromystes


    Wayne Vera no strokes no pneumonia Wayne gets over COVID bladder infection quickly cognitive function returns he gets appetite back eating drinking water good again rebel stays healthy diabetic ulcer heals quickly no life threatening side effects of antibiotics
  7. Ektromystes


    Wayne Vera no strokes no pneumonia Wayne gets over COVID bladder infection quickly cognitive function returns he gets appetite back eating drinking water good again rebel stays healthy diabetic ulcer heals quickly no life threatening side effects of antibiotics
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