
  1. Aparchologeo

    fear of success and self responsibility in a harsh world

    God, you're going to have to heal this out of me, I can't fix my chronic fear of succeeding and doing well for myself, so many expectations, so many responsibilities, this avoidance is causing me extreme depression and self-loathing, I'm not being good to myself nor anyone else. Heal me layer by...
  2. Warrior Queen

    Lord show me fairness please

    My coworker ### makes millions of dollars, and when I told him about my car situation that I was upside down $###.##, he said, "Let me think of what you could do. Layer on, he said, "Just keep paying bigger payments. Lord, I ask in the Almighty Name of Jesus please please me soften his heart for...
  3. Slethsoriril

    Dear Church, Please pray for my baby ...

    Dear Church, Please pray for my baby my 9th month baby boy is having left kidney abnormality, known as hydro nephrosis, urine passed layer is closed, which he is unable to pass the urine. Doctor told he is have to undergo the surgery. Kindly pray for his recovery
  4. blessedofGod

    Covid pos

    pls cont to pray intercessors; am still coughing and coughing; am feeling weak, short of breath. Also have exp. some embarrassing accidents of diarrhea which has added another layer to my troubles!! pls pray for an end to diarrhea; to covid. cont to pray i can persist in gettn my paperwork...
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