last letter

  1. MelissaRae

    A Prayer for Endurance and Divine Wisdom

    Heavenly Father, I believe you are the Holy One of Israel, a God of love and a God of might. Lord, I ask for the strength of your son Jesus to help me endure in love as adversaries of the principality of powers increase. I believe I have done all I can to reach estranged family members, those...
  2. Clarabelle

    Who has a loving husband?

    I am the happiest person I have ever been in my whole because Jesus sent me the right person to my life. Since I married him I found Gods word to be true to the last letter. Husbands, love your wife just as Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for her. Eph. 5.25 A good husband is not...
  3. Flofnoth

    Last Prayer On this Matter

    My dear Heavenly Father, this is probably the last letter I write to you about this matter. I'm reconciling with the inner voice about what I did right and what I did wrong. I gave all my memory for the bholy spirit to review. I can still feel judgment from my mind saying, oh, you should go that...
  4. Riitta

    This is my last letter to this ...

    This is my last letter to this site. I never got any help from this site. Because the spirit world my life has been impossible. I want to die but i have to fight because satan doesnt give any rest for me.
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