last elections

  1. Aerwyth

    I voluntarily left my job and contested ...

    I voluntarily left my job and contested the last elections in Nigeria. I'm out of work right now and cannot cater for my family . Please pray for me. I need help from God,man of God, please.
  2. Anonymous

    In Mexico they are wanting to spread ...

    In Mexico they are wanting to spread horrible communism, we have a government of the Left, López Obrador as president and Claudia Sheimbaum as governor of the Capital. They lost in the last elections the most important and beautiful mayoralties. They later declared that it was the fault of a...
  3. Steven Bobb

    Praise report, Good! I'm glad the Trump ...

    Praise report, Good! I'm glad the Trump fans are finally fighting fire with fire and standing up to the repulsive tactics, and shows of hatred shown by the Lowlifecrats.For 4 years now those overgrown 3 year olds have been throwing a prolonged tantrum,spewing there hatred because they didn't get...
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