last 2 3 weeks

  1. meena_


    My mom and I have been fighting all day because she doesn't want me to leave Saturday to be with my fiance as planned to pursue a godly marriage. She began physically fighting me and trying to stop me from going. She claiming now that I can't leave on Saturday (even though she said it was fine...
  2. natasha2

    No attacks, protection, obedient pupils

    Protection from evil of any kind. Especially disobediant, nasty or lazy pupils. Pray tuat pupils will be obedient, motivated, dilligent, inspired, peaceful, good, successful. No more people who will harrass me in any way. I experiemce last 2-3 weeks vicious attacks from many sides. They want...
  3. halleluiah33

    Dear God, please repulse and send away ...

    Dear God, please repulse and send away all the mupli beetles oppressing us here for the last 2-3 weeks. In Jesus name. Amen
  4. halleluiah33

    Lord Jesus/Yeshua, We see all sorts of ...

    Lord Jesus/Yeshua, We see all sorts of violence against Israel and the Jewish people in the last 2-3 weeks. Give wisdom and understanding to the leaders in Israel & Mideast for happy solutions to the situation. Please protect & bring peace to (1) Jerusalem (2) Israel and the Jewish people (3)...
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