I am homeless since November, and have been homeless on and off most of my adult life. I trust in You Jesus Christ and my health is starting to suffer in large ways, and I can't seem to get myself a home despite the fact I am disabled and have the proper funding to be able to provided I could...
My response is to recognize God’s greatness and grace in using me as an instrument and with confidence move into this pure, unspotted new chapter.
Ah, the new year. It is laid out before me — clean and inviting. How do I begin this new chapter with the intention of letting God write through...
3751 large jpg response
articles evil
articles woman
chapter of peace
country: local intranet
daily basis spend
deep listening
eight day silent retreat
evil https img heartlight org
focused work centering
forces of evil
heartlight org articles
https img heartlight org articles
large jpg
mission jpg grace
power of evil
public spectacle
pure unspotted new chapter
s greatness
s image
s loving
s use
three unhealthy ways
typical daily routine
understanding https img heartlight org
unhealthy ways
view of s mercy
way of life
world jpg