I decree and declare absolutely absolutely no no more delay no more obstacles no more stagnation no more slow progress no more critasism no more thin hair no no more spaces in my hair no more being enbarrest about my hair no more misery suffering sadness sorrow lonleyness singleness lateness in...
Very urgent lord please please can you please get me appointment well before the 26th October for new dentist elle when I call tomorrow and for her to please please finish off root treatment do crowns fillings I need no no more dissappoitments rejection regarding my teeth please please make pa...
26th october
country: unknown
full smile makeover
name restoration
nerve problems
new dentist elle
root treatment
sadness sorrow depression loneliness
skin problems
Very very urgent please all pray I decree and declare no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay misery suffering sadness sorrow worry stress anxity deppression fear nerve problems no no more thin hair on my head no no more itchy scalp no...
country: unknown
loneliness singleness
marriage disappointments
pale skin blemishes lines
rejection criticism
single way area part
skin problems
stomach hips body
worry stress anxiety depression
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage rejection dissappoitments pain spluttering lack poverty misfortune in my life please lord In jesus christ namess
Very very urgent no no no more lonleyness singleness misery sadness sorrow dissappoitments rejection delay lack poverty misfortune thin gaur skin problems itchy scalp asthma symptoms of asthma in my life body please lord in jesus christ namess