Pray for work for a breakthrough with work. Pray that I can find something constant that is kitchen work and not kitchen porter work, and pray for a breakthrough. Pray as it is impossible to get to ### and get married and have children.
Pray as I have asked the agency not to send me kitchen porter work as it physically affects my health and the agency continue to do it Pray that I can get chef work Pray as why does my agency continue to do it
Pray for our flight back to England Pray that the flight can Pray for my arms and my head Pray as my arms feel so weak and my head I can't think Pray that we can get back from the airport easily Pray for work that is not kitchen porter work as that depresses me Pray for my legs Pray that we can...
Pray for purity that jesus can wash me in his blood Pray as I am so depressed with porn Pray as I need a new shirt and some t-shirt Pray for work that I can get work that is not kitchen porter work
Pray for work , pray that I can actually get chef work or computer work , pray as I used to work for the Christian bookshop and can read 4 books in a day Pray as I am so upset at being treated like rubbish and pray as I so want to do good work and not feel like rubbish , pray as I have worked as...
Pray for work that I can get back quickly Pray as I am so depressed with work as I get so depressed with kitchen porter work Pray as I feel under so much spiritual attack Pray for strength in my arms Pray that I can get back from work pray that I can get back to the Israel meeting Pray that...
bible study
bridge lane
calvinist view
country: united kingdom
good conversation
holy spirit
john g
pre trib rapture doctrine
tony pearce
Pray that God can fill me up Pray for any spiritua attack over my mind and heart and that god can clense me from all sin and I can be washed in the blood Pray that I can build up my strength as I need things to build me up Pray as I so want a constant job as I am so depressed with work as I so...
Pray for church Pray for a non calvinist church Pray for work that I can have constant work that is not kitchen porter work Pray that I can concentrate Pray as it is impossible to get married and fall in love and have children Pray that I can pray Pray for my brother for his marriage Pray as it...
Pray for work as I feel so unwell Pray that I can not do kitchen porter work as it makes me unwell Pray for my finances as they are terrible Pray that I can have the finances to get to church Pray that mum can find her glasses Pray that I can get back from work Pray for favour and that the day...
Pray for my brothers marriage Pray that God can heal it Pray as I feel so worthless as I am not married and do not have children and have done lots of education and so want a good job Pray that I can get a good night sleep Pray as I am so down and pray that I can pay my bills as I got let off as...
Pray for my brothers marriage and pray that he can come back to church Pray for my finances as I have barely enough money Pray as I have lots of debt and pray for my health Pray for strength and energy at work Pray for work that is not kitchen porter work Pray as it is impossible to get married...