king david


    Pain to promise

    Abba father I come before you in the name of JESUS to express my pain and suffering expecting your promise to heal and deliver me. Jesus anyone before encountered you they went through pain and suffering maybe 12 years, 18 years or 38 years but after they encountered you they all were healed and...
  2. Pweray


    I would like you to intercede and stand in prayer with and for the salvation of my family members. My brother has been caught up cutting someone's tree and was reported at police and apprehended but he is bitter I pray the Holy Spirit touches him with wisdom and understanding because his act...
  3. Corngus

    Prayer request from ODUMEGWU'S family

    Business breakthrough Financial breakthrough Marital settlements in our extended family Princess, king-David and Ikechukwu will fulfil purpose in life in Jesus name, we the parents shall not Bury them.
  4. Leroranyr

    Please pray fervent prayer for me and ...

    Please pray fervent prayer for me and my family. A hedge of protection around us all. I have reasons to believe that we are in serious danger. Please pray that the Almighty will scatter these agents of darkness to the outermost limits and never to return. That they will encounter the Living God...
  5. Nuel Wangnao


    Praise the lord. I come before you all to bear witness to the greatness of God. I was sick and now I am healed. I was depressed but now I rejoice in his grace. I was vulnerable but now I have found my refuge in the presence of my saviour Jesus. I was weak in spirit and faith but now I soar in...
  6. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  7. Visionary1


    God's Word playing playing out through the book of Jeremiah. Though some inaccurately label it vexation in a demonic sense; indeed, Jeremiah's complaint to the Lord sounds very familiar to my situation. Oftentimes, I just start talking, even blurting out the message: Jeremiah 20:8-9...
  8. Wylandadh

    My latest 8 minute video. titled A call for Unity :-) food shortages famine God will provide fear not. Psalm 133 UNITY A song to ..

    ..bring you higher. By King DAvid. From the Passion Translation. sub-titled Poetry on Fire. This is an excellent and not too expensive translation that I love and recommend. It is translated from the Hebrew not Greek so is more closer to the original and more fully conveys King DAvid and the...
  9. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  10. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  11. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  12. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  13. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  14. Anonymous

    Repentance, Deliverance, and Healing

    Please pray For my return to The LORD. Please pray that i repent like King David did. Please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through, and that the schemes of the devil and my enemies are exposed and confounded. Please pray that The LORD protects me and provides for all...
  15. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  16. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  17. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  18. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  19. genuine_concern

    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Hi all, Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
  20. Articles

    Today's Verse - Isaiah 12:4 (KJV)

    And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted. —Isaiah 12:4 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... It is wrong to think God's love for the nations began only with Jesus and the Great Commission...
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