kind intercessions

  1. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    My Car Finally Passed It's State Inspection I Know That All Of Your Prayers Touched God's Heart THANK-YOU EVERYONE SO MUCH YOU ARE MY FAMILY OF GOD

    I went back to my auto repair shop & they ran more diagnostic tests first outside while i waited Then they said oh-kay you can drive your car in now and let's get it inspected ! It finally passed it's annual inspection & i felt soo much relief at last I thank everyone who has been praying for...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Prayer Please For Help With Some Stressful Situations That Are Weighing Very Heavily On My Mind This Evening Abba-Father God In Jesus's Name xox

    I am just very "Super-Stressed" out this evening by many situations and i know that I Am Needing Soo Much Prayer For God's Peace & Calm & Composure right now... Thank-you soo much everyone for your kind intercessions on my behalf ! Father In Jesus's Name Please carry me thru these difficult...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Several Un-Spoken Prayer Requesst...asking for confirmations & open & closed doors... .

    The Lord Knows...And He Will Answer... { i soo thank-you for your caring and kind intercessions and prayers } May God Abundantly Bless All Of You...xox... Holy Spirit...Reveal All That Is True Please... and bring Godly Wisdom and revelation knowledge and understanding and full confirmations...
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