kind hearted man

  1. Anonymous

    My prayer request for my health, financial, and love

    My prayer request is for all blood clots and claudication in my legs to be healed and unblocked in all parts of my body. The bad cholesterol is making it hard for me to walk. I want to live a healthy life not just for me but for my kids and grandkids! My financial request is for God to bless me...
  2. Liana256


    God, Thank you for this day. God, thank you for the father, the son, and the holy spirit in my life, my sons and daughters life, my childrens life, my father and mothers life, my brothers and sisters life, my hellyans life alway. God, Thank you so much for the father, the son and the hoky...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need Prayer About Someone Who Wishes To Get To Know Me Please ( he is a very lonely single Pastor out of state who contacted me for my friendship )

    A single Pastor had contacted me recently on a Christian Fellowship Site for friendship Unfortunately he must be truly going thru something and i know he is very very lonely too Yesterday for no reason he got soo super-angry when i simply called him in the morning to have a nice conversation...
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