Jesus please help my son at school today and please let me get some rest. Also, please let him cooperate about karate class when he comes home. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son wake up and go to his karate class today since it is even hotter later in the week. Please also let my package arrive and my husband be frugal and safe with his money. Also, please help the family of the person who just recently passed away from my school. Thank you...
Jesus please help my son in karate class. Please let the instuctor be nice to him and let him get his stripe and help him figure out his equipment. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help me son at school today he has another test. Help him stay awake and alert and do his best. Also please keep us safe when we have to go to his karate class and don't let it rain too hard. Thank you Jesus, Amen.