My name is ###. My husband name is ###. We are from ### in ### district. My husband was doing computer business. Now he has a loan of ### due to business loss. Today we should to pay ### to a person. We ned ### per day. But our store has no sales and no available items. I don't know what to do...
Praise the lord bro,
Hii Good day! Myself Shylin Jenifa am from kanyakumari district. Am planning to get pregnant and got some symptoms. My period also delayed last month and its been 8 days my period delay. But today i got bleeding. Please pray for me that this bleeding needs to...
Uncle , I am Abisha , I am from kannya kumari district. I want to become a doctor... September 12 will be conducted neet exam pray for me please..... Now I am study for neet but all questions are forgot pls prayer for me uncle .....Daily my individual prayer , I was said "Jacob1:5" verse to...