God I am asking for your Divine Intervention as I am being pressured to attend jury service to which I am stressed out and anxious. Please allow the judge to hear me to grant me an Exemption or deferral despite all odds. Jesus I trust in you to intervene as you have the last say.
Pray that against all odds God help me to not serve as a juror for jury service as I am anxious, stressed out by the judgment. Pray that the judge understands and grants me a deferral even though it was stated I have to serve. God you know my heart, please help me.
Praise report please! I had jury duty today and was dismissed because an adequate number of jurors had been found for various cases. Also I had postponed the jury service to today and the travel time on public transportation was even faster because the public school student have spring recess...
adequate number
country: unknown
jury duty
praise report
public school student
public transportation
spring recess praise
travel time
various cases
There's over 100 thousand people live where I live and they're always harassing the same certain group of people for jury service, it's not right. Please pray that I don't have to do the jury service. Thank you. God bless.