judge lawgiver

  1. Anonymous

    Heavenly Father, My Judge, Lawgiver and King ...

    Heavenly Father, My Judge, Lawgiver and King I will not yield any thing that is my lot or portion, whether they are spiritual or natural. Whether Prophecy or ministry or work or plans; or wife or posterity; or strength or health and healing; or destinies , times and seasons ; whether they are my...
  2. Anonymous

    My Father who art in Heaven, Our ...

    My Father who art in Heaven, Our judge, lawgiver and our King. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I break the powers behind all these conflicts and resistance; I break the power behind all the evil decrees and curses that are working against me; I break the power that is frustrating my plight, lot...
  3. Anonymous

    Heavenly Father, God Most High, You are ...

    Heavenly Father, God Most High, You are my God, my Judge ,Lawgiver and King and it is written You will save me and You will not contend with me forever lest my spirit should fail before you Do not let those who pursues me causelessly have their way on the Earth against me. Remember oh God,the...
  4. Anonymous

    In Proverbs 31:8-9 It is written that ...

    In Proverbs 31:8-9 It is written that the King ought to plead the cases of those who cannot plead for themselves yet are concluded under destruction by men. And in Isaiah 33:22 It is written that God is The Lord and the Judge, Lawgiver and King of Zion and He shall save them. And in Isaiah 49:25...
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