Lord can you please please please help us with our live si beg oyu i nee dmore rest an di nee dsome encouragement soem love i can thandle jsut abus eplease send me an yangel hela mym om please an dmy grandma. please send help. please le thtier be more love in my life or take me awa.y pleas ehlp...
IM askign God to pela shelp em i have aske dfor several year si dotn knwo how many times. i suffer from er ybad dehydration problem and i jsut can thandle it anymore. ialso care fo rmy grandma also suffeirmng form this problem. I am fighitng for my lfie and my grandmas all day and triyng to help...
i jsut want osmeotjnhign good ot happent oda.y every da yis the same.ims lonely and dperessed due to helaht problems cosntast healht problems. Lord is their more to life than cleaning and health problems? is their mroe t life than this? can you give me a life? please can you give us lif ein...