The government had introduce these WSG schemes to help the unemployed; however, it is making it worse. WSG is a range of courses for the unemployed to take to improve their training skills. However, they need to pay for the training, and the worse part is letting the jobseekers work on...
Help us jobseekers have the quickest path to a perfect new job where we serve you and find joy daily! Help me, Rachel, Scott, Steve, Steven, Karen! Stop all mandates immediately. Mandates make the healthcare career harder to get and perform for christians!
May the Lord's wish be done via us by below prayer! May all jobseekers get their dream jobs....Brooms their dream Brides....Husbands reunite with their Wives......Sons n Daughters reunite with their Parents.......Broken Hearts be Healed.......Pets get their Partners......Nature get their...
country: india
dream brides husbands
dream jobs
god's energies
healed pets
partners nature
wives sons
wives sons n daughters