jehovah almighty prince

  1. RevCrestwood

    In the presence of the King.

    There is no better place to be in this world rather than in the presence of the One who love us with an everlasting love and cares for us. If we just could feel the touch of the Maste in our life, it will be the touch of heaven coming down to our troubled soul. If we could ever realize that...
  2. Cressidah

    Dear Jesus, forgive me all of my ...

    Dear Jesus, forgive me all of my sin and anything I have done to make your heart so sad. I am coming back to You and ask for mercy and compassion for a lost soul who comes back to You again. Please, help me and heal my body soul. I want to walk in the light of Jesus all the days of my life and...
  3. Grossing

    How do we know God lives forever?

    Jesus told us the truth and nothing but the truth when He said.... I am the living Bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this Bread will live forever. John 6.51a Our Lord is eternal, this means that He has no begining and has no end. Alpha and Omega as the Greeks would say. Where...
  4. Ninah

    Entering His holy presence.

    Such a lovely place. What a wonderful sound coming from heaven. What a peace is felt in this place. I can hear the voice of the Lord. My peace I given unto you, not as the world giveth you. In the presence of Jehovah, God almighty, Prince of peace. Troubles vanish, Hearts are mended...
  5. Tamarah

    What happens when we enter into the holy presence of God?

    I set out to find that one for myself and I truly found that Jesus is the center of all peace, joy and happiness. He has come to give us life and live everlasting. Rejoice in the Lord always because you and I start praising and adoring His holy name, wonderful things happens in our life...
  6. BrotherZack

    In whose presence do you live?

    Spending quality time with the Lord makes the difference in our life and the life of those we live. Our spouse, our children and all our neighbors will know in whose presence you really live. Speaking to Jesus every single day of our life is the most precious time we can have before doing...
  7. Penington

    How blessed are you?

    No one can escape from the presence of Jesus. No one can get rid of Him unless we sin against Him, ignore His presence or just reject Him and His word. But as for me... How blessed I am to know Him. I know this is to be true. A complete sense of His presence all around us. Deep within my...
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